Numerical Engineering Solutions is a consulting engineering company providing a broad range of services in the field of the multi-physical numerical analysis of geomaterials, porous media and structures, and of multi-physical testing of porous materials.
Our expertise comes from decades of research and consulting activities in the area of geomechanics and numerical modeling of coupled processes in static and dynamic regimes.
The offered services range from Finite Element Simulations to software development, from data analysis to consulting in the field of testing of porous materials.

Aldo Madaschi
Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering. Civil Engineer
Aldo’s technical skills were developed over more than a decade of research and consultancy in the mechanics of soils and rocks, with a predominant focus on multiphysical couplings and creep phenomena. He has a wide experience in the field of numerical analysis of geomechanical coupled problems.

Lyesse Laloui
Scientific Advisor
Professor of Geomechanics at EPFL, Adjunct professor at Duke University (USA), Advisory professor at Hohai University (China).
Full Professor of soil mechanics and geoengineering, he directs the Soil Mechanics Laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Lyesse is an internationally recognised expert in coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of geomaterials.

Eleonora Crisci
Project Manager Geomechanics
Ph.D. in Geomechanics. Environmental Engineer.
Eleonora's technical skills were developed in several years of research and consultancy in the mechanics of soils and rocks, for underground applications. Her background focuses on executing, interpreting, and designing experimental and field testing of multiphysical processes in geomaterials, and on constitutive and numerical modelling. Eleonora's expertise in the domain will enable the team's understanding and investigation of the geomechanical phenomena that govern cavern behaviour.

Jose A. Bosch Llufriu
Project Manager
Numerical modelling
Ph.D. in Geomechanics. Civil Engineer.
Jose possesses strong expertise in the development and application of numerical models for porous media. His work spans diverse areas such as deep nuclear waste disposal, CO2 storage in saline aquifers, bio-cemented soils, and deep excavations. A primary focus lies in numerical modelling of thermo-hydro-mechanical processes, encompassing viscosity, creep effects, and reactive transport processes.

Héloïse Fuselier
Project Engineer
Ph.D. in Geomechanics. Civil Engineer.
Expert of numerical and constitutive modelling of multiphysical processes.