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Geomechanics for Oil & Gas


In the context of reservoir engineering, understanding of the behaviour of rocks is at the base of  an efficient exploitation of the underground resources, from conventional and unconventional reservoirs.

This course aims to present the main aspects of the mechanics of rocks and their response to multiphysical actions such as those induced during the exploitation of underground reservoirs, and to determine and understand the parameters to be used according to the chosen constitutive model.

The laws of behavior of geomaterials (e.g., isotropic and anisotropic elasticity, elastoplasticity) constitute the foundations of geomechanics. They will be addressed in connection with the establishment of experimental programs for the determination of material parameters.

A particular focus will be put on coupled multiphysical problems that are key for the borehole stability, in particular the chemo-hydro-mechanical coupling.

Finally, unconventional reservoirs and the related challenges will be presented.


  • Understand and evaluate the behavior of rocks subjected to multiphysical actions and their importance of reservoir exploitation

  • Acquire and use the main constitutive laws for isotropic and anisotropic geomaterials

  • Be able to determine from experimental results the mechanical parameters appropriate to the adopted constituent model

  • Understand the possibilities and challenges related to the exploitation of unconventional reservoirs.


Prof. Lyesse Laloui

   École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne    

   (EPFL), Switzerland


Dr. Eleonora Crisci

   Nesol - Numerical Engineering Solutions,



Dr. Aldo Madaschi

   Nesol - Numerical Engineering Solutions,




  • Optimal balance between theory and practice

  • The training is based on cutting-edge scientific achievements



The course is intended for drilling professionals, engineers and geologists who wish to acquire geomechanics basics for reservoir exploitation.

The course is delivered in English.



A certificate of attendance is issued at the end of the course.

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